1 min read
24 Jul

So I'm a little bothered by the cost of bridal makeup. I recently had a few conversations with some brides and one of the main gripes was the cost of bridal makeup. It is ridiculous.

I'm getting married myself next year and I also experienced a ridiculous quote. When someone hears the words wedding, brides, bridal makeup, getting married or, I need makeup done on my wedding day, the price goes up by 400%. I think its plain robbery.

Yes everyone has to make their money, and yes, a makeup artist might be asked to attend the wedding for the day to touch up the bride when required buuuttttt, that doesn't mean to charge a an additional £500. If you know that your average earnings per day is less than £200, then £250 is a good price to charge for an all day event, excluding expenses.

Greed will get you nowhere.

Bride Culture, Unscipted.

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